So Now What?

Sounds like a good question after a week of being introduced to so much new and valuable information.  What do I do with the numerous new modes of social media I have learned about these past five days.  Do I use it all, some of it, none of it?  What to do?

What I usually do here in Gettysburg when I am contemplating a question that needs an answer is to take a walk.  I wanted so much to take a walk today, to no only exercise like my doctor has strongly suggested, but to get outside in the fresh air.  We have been having rather pleasant weather here in Gettysburg this week so I wanted to get outside to stretch my legs and think after sitting indoors all week.  However since it was raining when I got out of class the walk had to wait until another day.

While I couldn’t get out for my walk I still wanted to think of ways I could use social media in my communicating with others, not only now in 2013 but also in a future parish setting.  One of the most important things I have learned about using social media is to be genuine in all my social media interactions.  I don’t think this will be difficult for me because I have always tried to be genuine in my dealings with others.  What you see with me is what you get.  I don’t play games nor do I put on airs.  I am the same at school, in a church setting, or sitting in my living room at home.  I understand genuine.

Just as I know I cannot be all things to all people I know I will not be able to use all the social media I have learned about this week all at once.  I will have to pick and choose what I feel will be most helpful in getting my message out.  Since I believe that my message is to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I will have to pick and choose carefully.  Now I feel equipped to make those decisions.  Of course I won’t be making those decision alone.  I will have help.

Think I’ll take a walk and pray.

A Long Day

I have hit the proverbial wall today.  It’s day four of our Media Meets Religion class and I believe my brain has taken in all the social media information it can handle for the week.  This phenomenon is what I like to call “The J-Term Push”.  I know when I take a three credit course in a week during J-Term that it will be a grind come Thursday but the benefits far outnumber the fatigue that usually sets in by this time.  Knowing that this happens to me by day four I keep pressing on and in the end I am tired but happy at the result.

One of the benefits for me in taking a J-Term class is that I get to meet students from the Washington Consortium that I don’t get to meet during the regular Spring and Fall semesters here at Gettysburg Seminary.   In addition, I get to meet, or see again, various alumni that come back for continuing education classes.   This class has in it not only LTSG students and alums but students from Wesley Theological Seminary and Catholic University.  The amount of information that is being shared is so vast right now I don’t know if I can retain it all but I do realize that I know much more today than I did on Monday as far as social media is concerned.

The major learning that happened for me today is realizing that I don’t need to use every bit of social media out there  but to pick an amount of what is available that will suit the needs of the church where I will be called.  It is far better to use some media well then to use  all of it poorly.

As I anticipate tomorrow’s ending of our class being together for nine hours daily this past week I will feel two things.   I will feel a sense of accomplishment in that the goals I set for myself this week will be accomplished.  I will also have the realization that I have enlarged my network of tech savvy colleagues that I can turn to in the future when I need help.

That is what I call a successful, tiring, productive week.

Day 3 of “Media Meets Religion”

Day three of the Battle of Gettysburg was the climatic and final day of that battle.  Day three of our “Media Meets Religion” class is not our final day, probably not climatic, but it was very informative.  We were privileged to see and hear, by Skype, Neva Rae Fox from the Episcopal Church and John Brooks from North Park University and Seminary.  What they both shared with us I found valuable for my future ministry and it was a pleasure having them with us by using some of the new media we are learning about.  I learned much today but one thing that stands out is that to say “no comment” should never come out of my mouth if I am dealing with a crisis.  In addition, I learned some other strategies that I can employ when dealing with the media.

Again I am astounded at the amount of experience in using social media or the willingness to learn how to use it by my classmates.  I feel that I have gained sixteen new colleagues with whom I can share ideas, ask questions of, and connect with now and into the future. It is bittersweet for me to realize this is the “half-way” point of our class.  Shortly we will be coming to the end of the week and a separation, in physical terms, of our being in each other’s presence for nine hours of each day.  As any class that I have taken there is a beginning, a middle, and an end.  We have just come to and slightly past the middle.  The next two days I look forward to with anticipation and the wonder of what I will learn tomorrow and Friday.

When I go to bed each night I take a mental inventory of how my day went and what I learned, what worked, and what didn’t work in that day’s journey.  On good days I smile as I look back on the day and thank God for another day of life.   On not so good days I may not be smiling but I still thank God for the day.

Tonight I will be smiling. 🙂

More to Learn

Today was a day of new learning.  While I was familiar with Facebook, I learned new things I could do to make my Facebook account more user-friendly for me.  In addition, today was my first full day using my Twitter account.  I see why people like Twitter, I was able to access a lot of info instantaneously.  And of course, here I am again blogging.  I have always liked social media since it has come to being in my lifetime.  To be able to learn from professionals in the field has helped me use what I know and add to that base of knowledge to see how I can use this today and in my future church ministry.

Having Rev. Verity Jones from The New Media Project speak to our class today by Skype was very helpful as we touched on many aspects of social and how it can benefit the religious community.  She was very generous with her time and for that I am grateful.  Her willingness to share her website’s helpful information with us will benefit me in the future.  I have bookmarked her website for future use.

We ended the day watching the movie “The Social Network”.  I must say after seeing this movie I have some mixed feelings about Mark Zuckerberg.  While I know you can’t believe everything you see on TV, this movie does not paint a very glamorous picture of Mr. Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook.

This class is an exciting opportunity to exchange ideas with other students here at LTSG, students of the Washington Consortium, and alumni.  I admire the amount of experience in many different venues that my classmates have and I am using this experience,of being with them this week, for everything that I can gain from their knowledge and experience.  In addition, whatever I can bring to my colleagues I share willingly.

On to day three!

Finally Here

Well, I finally got to the place where I can add content to this blog.  I can’t believe it took me so long to get here but here I am.

This blog is a requirement for the When 21st Century Media Meets Religion class I am taking this week and my first attempt at creating and posting to a blog.  I guess my biggest concern about posting to this blog is wondering who will care to read what I write.

It seems to me, in one way, to be a large ego trip to see if anyone would want to read this but in another way I can see posting to a blog is a great way to pass along information.  I can see where I may use this media in the future to relay information to members of my congregation.  Well that is, if I can figure out how to get back here.  I am looking forward to the adventure of posting again.

And by the way the RAVENS are going to Denver.