More to Learn

Today was a day of new learning.  While I was familiar with Facebook, I learned new things I could do to make my Facebook account more user-friendly for me.  In addition, today was my first full day using my Twitter account.  I see why people like Twitter, I was able to access a lot of info instantaneously.  And of course, here I am again blogging.  I have always liked social media since it has come to being in my lifetime.  To be able to learn from professionals in the field has helped me use what I know and add to that base of knowledge to see how I can use this today and in my future church ministry.

Having Rev. Verity Jones from The New Media Project speak to our class today by Skype was very helpful as we touched on many aspects of social and how it can benefit the religious community.  She was very generous with her time and for that I am grateful.  Her willingness to share her website’s helpful information with us will benefit me in the future.  I have bookmarked her website for future use.

We ended the day watching the movie “The Social Network”.  I must say after seeing this movie I have some mixed feelings about Mark Zuckerberg.  While I know you can’t believe everything you see on TV, this movie does not paint a very glamorous picture of Mr. Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook.

This class is an exciting opportunity to exchange ideas with other students here at LTSG, students of the Washington Consortium, and alumni.  I admire the amount of experience in many different venues that my classmates have and I am using this experience,of being with them this week, for everything that I can gain from their knowledge and experience.  In addition, whatever I can bring to my colleagues I share willingly.

On to day three!