So Now What?

Sounds like a good question after a week of being introduced to so much new and valuable information.  What do I do with the numerous new modes of social media I have learned about these past five days.  Do I use it all, some of it, none of it?  What to do?

What I usually do here in Gettysburg when I am contemplating a question that needs an answer is to take a walk.  I wanted so much to take a walk today, to no only exercise like my doctor has strongly suggested, but to get outside in the fresh air.  We have been having rather pleasant weather here in Gettysburg this week so I wanted to get outside to stretch my legs and think after sitting indoors all week.  However since it was raining when I got out of class the walk had to wait until another day.

While I couldn’t get out for my walk I still wanted to think of ways I could use social media in my communicating with others, not only now in 2013 but also in a future parish setting.  One of the most important things I have learned about using social media is to be genuine in all my social media interactions.  I don’t think this will be difficult for me because I have always tried to be genuine in my dealings with others.  What you see with me is what you get.  I don’t play games nor do I put on airs.  I am the same at school, in a church setting, or sitting in my living room at home.  I understand genuine.

Just as I know I cannot be all things to all people I know I will not be able to use all the social media I have learned about this week all at once.  I will have to pick and choose what I feel will be most helpful in getting my message out.  Since I believe that my message is to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I will have to pick and choose carefully.  Now I feel equipped to make those decisions.  Of course I won’t be making those decision alone.  I will have help.

Think I’ll take a walk and pray.

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